Latest News Form Pur Solar & Electric

How Are Solar Panels Made?

How Are Solar Panels Made?

Creating a solar panel is a complicated process with much science involved.  Of course, there are tutorials on the internet that teach you how to create your own solar panels, but they are nowhere near the quality standards of the highly efficient solar panels...

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What Is A Solar Cell?

What Is A Solar Cell?

If you have ever wondered what solar panels are made of and how they can take light and convert it into energy, there is a simple answer - solar cells. Solar cells are the building blocks of solar panels; they give panels their unique ability to produce electricity....

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The Best Angle and Direction for Solar Panels

The Best Angle and Direction for Solar Panels

Choosing the best angle and direction for your solar panels will optimize the amount of sunlight they receive and allow you to get the most out of your solar power system.  Some who install them on their roofs are somewhat limited, but if you have the luxury of...

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Solar Panel Prices

Solar Panel Prices

One the first questions people ask themselves when pondering whether or not they should invest in a solar power system is - how much do solar panels cost?  There are few precise cut ways to answer this question, and in this article, we are going to examine the...

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