Solar Panel Efficiency
Getting the Best Solar Panel Efficiency and the Factors that Affect it
Getting the Best Solar Panel Efficiency and the Factors that Affect it
Factors that Affect Solar Panel Efficiency
Solar Panel Pitch and Orientation
For maximum performance adjust your solar panels twice a year. In the summer months the sun is high overhead, catch more sunlight by tilting solar panel at a lower angle. During the winter, the sun moves across the sky at a lower angle, angle solar panels higher during these months. Large commercial systems have solar tracking systems that automatically follow the sun’s tilt through the day. Due to their high costs, they are not typically used for residential solar installs.
In the built environment, there are a couple of ways to deal with high temperature. Install solar panels on a mounting system a few inches off the roof, this will help cool them by allowing air circulation. Use photovoltaic panels that are designed to be more efficient in hotter climates. Ensure that panels are constructed with light-colored materials, to reduce heat absorption. Inverters and combiners can be moved into the shaded area behind the array.
Front surface soiling
Solar cells can not absorb light as effectively when the surface of the solar panels are covered with dirt or pigeon droppings, which doesn’t get washed by the rain. Making frequent physical inspections and spraying water on your modules can help reduce the problem.
Find solar technology bewildering? Best way to choose solar equipment in serving all of Arizona is to contact Pur Solar, we can look at your site and find the exact design and products that will work best for the conditions you have.